Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Airsickness is a sensation which is induces by air travel. It is a specific form of motion illness, and is considered a normal reply in healthy individuals. Airsickness occurs when the middle nervous system receives conflicting mail from the body moving balance and balance.

The inner ear is particularly significant in the preservation of balance and equilibrium since it contains sensors for both angular and linear movement. Airsickness is usually a mixture of spatial confusion, nausea and vomiting. Experimentally, airsickness can be eliminating in monkeys by remove part of the cerebellum, explicitly the nodulus of the vermis.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


The word aerostat was initially French and is derived from the greek aer + statos . An aerostat is a lighter than air object that can stay motionless in the air. Aerostats comprise free balloons, airships, moor balloons and tethered Helikites. Such a vehicle is consists of a frivolous skin filled with a lifting gas to create resilience.

Technically, aerostats are capable of as long as "aerostatic" lift in that the force upwards arises without group through the nearby air mass. This contrasts with aerodynamic lift which requires the group of at least some part of the aircraft through the nearby air mass. However, in reality most aerostats obtain lift from together aerodynamic lift and pure gas lift at some time or other.

Aerostats are normally tethered lighter-than-air objects. Types of tethered aerostat include round balloons, blimps and Helikites.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Aerospace engineering

Aerospace engineering is the branch of engineering behind the plan, construction and discipline of aircraft and spacecraft. Aerospace engineering has broken down into two major and overlapping branches: aeronautical engineering and astronautical engineering. The earlier deals with craft that wait within Earth's atmosphere and the latter deals with craft those work outside of Earth's atmosphere. While "aeronautical" was the original term, the broader "aerospace" has outdated it in usage, as flight technology higher to include craft in service in outer space. Aerospace engineering is often casually called rocket science.